Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baylor!

"SUPERBAYLOR" finally gets to his 7th birthday!

Papa gets one of Baylors famous hugs for his donation to the "Baylor Fund".

Seventeen tries later, Bay manages to "Get 'er dun". He still doesn't know they were trick candles.

Bay and Ken, (aka Mackey), playing Tansformers and donning the Tansformers garb . . . all while traveling to see the new Transformers movie.


Kelli said...

Happy Birthday Baylor...a little late I know! Glad you had a great birthday!

Nat said...

Baylor's always been a superhero in Shep's eyes, he still dreams about the fun he had at Baylor's party!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday Baylor!!! It looks like it was a good one!

Scott and Genevieve said...

Hi Leslie! I found your blog through Haylee's blog. It was fun to see her the other day! You guys have such a beautiful family!